So this all came about one night while brainstorming at Paxen headquarters, aka Bonz’s parent’s house, aka a place where magical things happened and lots of Pizza and soda were consumed. We thought of this project Topo Vs Nelbo for Mike Rizzo’s second film project while at the School of Visual Arts. Bonz’s brother, Mike Strandberg, just came back from Santa Monica beach shopping allegedly with this rarity Bollywood CD called “Bombay The Hardway“. Bonz and Rizz put this baby on full blast one night and one track just stuck out and the ideas just kept flowing. Topo Vs Nelbo was born instantly with Bonz acting out, almost shot for shot this below scene.
Being this is Rizzo’s second film at SVA, it was now time to shoot 16mm film, and on a Bolex. This excited Rizz so much that he might have gotten too carried away. Professors warned Rizz while reading the script of it’s ambitious nature, but Rizz didn’t care. Knowing he “had his boys” the Paxen Crew, he knew he could pull it off. Plus does anybody need a reason not to shoot action car sequences? Other films before this included non-dialogue exercise shorts such as the bike robber film “Sanchez” and the infamous pants ripping Bonz move from “Magical Shirt“.
All in all it was very well received, and could be some of the most memorable work for Bonz and Rizz while at SVA. Although some argue the extreme uncomfortableness of “The Apparent Situation” takes the cake, we know this crazy funky track coupled with great NYC sights, two Bonz’s, and the feeling of 16mm is one for our books. Enjoy the ride chase.