Our good friend Adam Narimatsu, with his childhood friend Devon McCord, have a new comedic web series now out on Vimeo. Clown Under the Bed tells a story of 2 childhood friends as they encounter the social struggles of the post college world. When Adam, a photographer, and Devin, an amateur clown, move back into the city after college, they must throw a housewarming party to prove they’re real adults. Easier said than done.
One of our favorite things of this episode is how it begins. We were a bit scared with the tension and build up seeing the Clown Cream, until Adam smacks sense into Devin addressing how clowns can be creepy and has Mayo on his face instead of makeup. We went from being scared to laughing!
What we love the most about this show is how Devin and Adam captured their long term friendship and dynamics on camera. Another thing we loved with the writing is putting a spotlight on becoming an adult, change within your community as you get older with graduating and how they used their local community to be apart of this production. Also.. Adam’s nervous sweat is incredible!
This film won best comedy at
Chain NYC Fest, which is pretty sweet. Adam and his ‘Brandon Lee’ esque vibe and beautiful jaw line is signed on for some guest roles in our new web series, which we haven’t announced yet (sshhhh!). Episode 2 will be released on 10/15 and we’re real curious what Adam and Devon get into this time. Also rumor has it he’s giving Bobo Touch the Milano Lisa!!